CF2 COMPOSURE TEAM (11 Feb Update)
As summarised in the pre-Xmas note, our team (Karen Metcalf, Alex McNaughton, Kylie Smith and myself) have met a few times (via Zoom) and have been actively exploring and refining our thinking – starting with the initial Canvas that you have seen – and digging further into what composure means and how it can best be trained (in the context and potential scope / scale of the CF2 product from what we understand that to mean in a product sense).
Karen has been actively tapping her network of contacts across a number of international organisations (many are connected in some form to the Oxford Mindfulness Centre). We have had some fascinating discussions and discoveries EG: Liane Stephan, Managing Director and Founder of Awaris in Germany and their work with Formula 1 Teams and corporates; Dr Bechara Saab and his team at Mobio Interactive who have developed the AM Mindfulness app which seems a next generation app, and we’re shortly engaging with Amishi Jha who is doing work with US military in this space We also have a good base of research studies and meta-docs when needed.
We are seeing a picture emerging of the best practices in the area we are defining as composure, and they mostly come back to mindfulness-based development (from both a content and training perspective). Nothing in our initial work has changed the view that having a strong core / foundation of mindfulness-based principles / training in CF2 is desirable from both the strength of evidence to support the effectiveness of this style of program in sport, military and general settings, and the obvious connection to our topic of Composure.
The other primary line of discovery that Alex is pursuing addresses the questions / challenges around training methodologies which have proven effective in changing and / or embedding new habits. We want to be very pragmatic in establishing training approaches which create sustainable behaviours. This is taking shape and will no doubt have implications and questions for all aspects of CF2.
We have sketched a training program with elements of content / drills etc that span an initial 8-10 weeks. We are meeting this week to pull together the thinking from the above lines of discovery, however we need guidance on parameters and connections to the rest of CF2, and a way to connect the elements.
As a general observation we feel there is no shortage of individuals and organisations developing training programs and apps that purport to develop similar skillsets to those defined by CF2 Modules. Our continuing question is ‘What’s the unique proposition (for the user) about CF2?’
Our Reflection Questions
Some of the elements that we are reflecting on that might be useful for our wider discussion include:
Do we build out a core program from scratch, or are we better served to utilise work already developed by others (assuming the commercials etc can be defined), and then add our unique elements (language, training methods, tools etc) to that. For example, Awaris in Germany have an excellent reputation and have generously shared modules they have created to develop skillsets that are very similar to those we would create. They are working with a Formula 1 Team using Mindfulness-based training and have some upcoming work with the IOC, alongside a great reputation in business.
Do we look to partner with others who have technologies that will support our delivery in some way? For example, Firstbeat keep coming up in discussions as having some interesting technologies that could support our intent. And Mobio are very keen to engage and we could potentially micro-tailor the AM app and attach our approach to this. Accordingly, is it a ‘given’ that CF2 builds a website and an App or can we populate something that is already contemporary and in the market? Is CF2 a separate product or an integrator? Food for thought
What core psych principles sit at the centre of CF2?
Once settled on scope for each Module can we engage suitable students / researchers to service the whole project rather than separate modules?
What scale of content and method is realistic? (We will provide a view on this in our narrative, however we are prioritising behaviour change over education / content)
How do we access athletes to ensure their involvement – and will this be done by each Module separately or can we connect in some way perhaps with a core group of athletes who do the ‘whole program’?